
Showing posts from December, 2016

How to Get Big Biceps Fast

Standing Barbell Curl The is the real deal of bicep exercises this is used by people at all levels from extreme bodybuilders to amateurs to get big massive arms. Start by Standing with your feet a shoulder-width apart and hold a weighted barbell with both hands in an underhand grip. Let it hang in front of you at arm's length and make sure your elbows are tucked in and close to your torso at all times (important). Now you should, pull up the barbell by rotating only your arms, using the power from your biceps to do so until the barbell is at about shoulder level. Hold the contraction for a beat to maximize the effort, and then lower to the starting position. You should repeat for 4 sets of 8-12 reps Other quick tips on how to get big biceps fast How to get big biceps.  You'll never have big biceps as long as you are skinny (under-weight). No matter how many biceps curls you do. To build bigger biceps, increase your overall muscle mass first by eating a lot (protein and carbs ...

The Mistake You Must Avoid If You Want a Six Pack

In my quest for a six pack I did so many stupid things it's almost laughable. There's one consistent mistake I see people make all the time. In this article I'll tell you how to avoid the biggest six pack mistake. Have you ever got amped about exercising and said to yourself, "Ok, I'm going to finally get the ripped looking stomach I've always wanted"? I used to do that like 6 times a year. I'd get all excited, do a couple hundred crunches one day and wake up the next day with a sore neck. I'd get though a week or two before realizing I wasn't making any progress. What's the deal? The mistake people make when trying to get a six pack is focusing 1) on ab exercises like crunches and 2) not realizing that the fat they're carrying around will make it impossible to see even the strongest abs. Yes, the biggest mistake is not focusing on losing the fat surrounding the ab muscles. I'll be brutally honest with you. You will never get a si...

Is it Possible to Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time?

Many people would like to build some muscle or lose some fat. both of these goals are very realisable for anyone. However, if you wish to make dramatic physical changes, then both fat loss and muscle gain are probably both going to be necessary. And despite what you may have heard, or what various "experts" have told you, this is perfectly possible. The initial problem when we try to hit both goals at the same time is that we do a bit of one, a bit of the other and end up spinning our wheels and having the same skinny-fat physique we had this time last year. Hold on, you say, you just said that it was possible! Actually, there is no magic bullet (well not exactly, but I'll come back to that), it is just a question of organising your efforts. To build muscle you need an excess of calories and to lose fat you must be in a calorific deficit. The "secret" is going from one to the other. To do this, you need two things; one, a good plan, and two, a little knowledge...

3 Incredible Bodybuilding Exercises For Your Legs

Your legs are one of those things that most people seem to neglect when they're in the gym. People like to come in and bench press and bicep curl until their arms fall off, but no one wants to go near the squat machine. Yet, in my experience, if you're really serious about putting on weight, leg exercises are key to your success. Why? Because your legs are larger muscles. So by building them, you put on much more muscle faster, also known as weight. Lifting with your legs also releases a greater level of growth hormone into your system which will benefit all the other muscles you are trying to build. So with that being said, let's get down to the three best bodybuilding exercises for your legs. 1. The Classic - Squats It's imperative that you do this exercise correctly or you can really hurt yourself. Start off with light weight even if you can do a lot more. This is necessary to build the neural pathways in your brain, but also to master the form. Practice makes perf...

How to Get a Big Chest - 4 Exercises You Must Do

One of the most commonly asked questions so many aspiring bodybuilders want to know is "How to Get a Big Chest." Why? Because having a thick, muscular chest is very impressive to say the least. Whether your goal is to compete as a professional bodybuilder, or you are just out to impress the girls, learning how to get a big chest should be your number one priority. To get right into it, there are typically two main exercise types which you need to be aware of being; Isolation and Compound. If you want to know how to get a big chest fast, you need to understand what these exercise types mean. Isolation exercises are those of which work only one muscle over one joint e.g. dumbbell chest fly's. Compound exercises are those that work more than one muscle group over two or more joints. Compound exercises are generally done at the beginning of your workout and should make up at least 80% of your total workout. Without boring you with all the theory behind building lean muscle, l...

4 Easy Home Ab Exercises To Get You Great Results Fast!

These are some really great home ab exercises that I put together to help people target their abs without having to go to a gym. These home ab exercises are designed to really work your abdominals, and you will definitely feel it in the morning. These home ab exercises will get your abs in shape but you need to remember that in order to see your abs, you will have to eat right, too. All of these exercise can be performed at home. You don't need any special equipment-- just your body and some abs! Here are some great home ab exercises you can do right now and start seeing results. The exercises: Bench crunch  2 x 20 To do a bench crunch, you need to find a bench or a couch and prop your feet up on it. You want your body to resemble a stair step. Your shins will be the top of the stair step and your abdominal region will be the bottom of the step. Put your hands behind your head, look at the ceiling and perform a crunch. It's that simple. Bicycles  2 x 20 Bicycles are a great ...

Avoid These 3 Mistakes to Get Muscles Fast

Very often you will see people specially beginners committing some common mistakes and ending up in the long list of people who think that they can not build muscles. Avoid these three common mistakes and you will surely get muscles fast. Lack of Change / Variety. Lack of change or variety in your workout routine is one of the biggest mistakes while looking to build muscles fast. Very often you will see guys in the gym doing the same workouts every time. They perform the same exercises with same weight, reps and intensity every workout. It is like expecting different outcomes from same actions. Doing the same workout every time might give you a pump but it will not make you gain muscles. Our bodies are made in such a way that they get used to any kind of environment in which we put them. In order to maximize you results, you need to bring variety in your workouts. Try to change the exercises and poundage every other week. Not only it will give you the results that you want but it wil...

How To Build Lean Muscle And Lose Fat

It is not easy to build lean muscle and lose fat. People very often try using either diet or exercise. But, they seldom do both. However, this is the most effective manner if they want to build lean muscle and lose fat. For those preferring to diet, many different diets are available on the market that promise to help you get rid of stomach fat. These diets are often known as fad diets. Some examples are Atkins and the South Beach diet. For those who exercise, many different exercise techniques available to you. These techniques, through vigorous workouts, promise to reduce body fat and build lean muscle. For people the world over, it is quite a challenge to lose weight. Due to the prevalence of television and computers, the obesity problem in America have greatly increased throughout the past decade. Cars have also been a significant factor in increasing the waist sizes as people are doing less walking to get to their destination. If it is easy to lose weight, then there would not b...

3 Forearm Exercises - Workout For An Often Forgotten Muscle Group

It is a fact that most people who exercise for muscle mass concentrate on certain groups of muscles. Almost everyone at the gym pay the greatest amount of importance to developing their chests, shoulders, abs, and the upper part of their arms - biceps and triceps. Most people will also exercise their backs, mainly their upper backs. Most women, and those of the men who are more serious and more dedicated to muscle building workout, will work out their legs and behind as well. With all this going on, it seems that one of the most important, most visible parts of the human body is often forgotten, neglected, or exercised too little - The forearms. This is strange, when you think about it. It doesn't make sense. A strong pair of muscular forearms is one of the most impressive things to see in a well-toned human body. So why is forearm exercising overlooked by so many? There are two main reasons for that, in my view. One is people's perception of priority. Chest, shoulders, abs, ...

Body Types and Body Building Muscle

When trying to build muscle it is very important to first figure out what plan you should follow according to your body type. This can make a huge difference in the results you get and can save you a great deal of time and possible pain. There are basically three body types and there are specific ways you should train for each. The three are: Endomorphic This body type is defined by a soft body with a rounded shape. These people usually have an over-developed digestive system and underdeveloped muscles. The problem with people that have this body type is that they have a love of food, so this is the first thing that should be worked on. When deciding on a training plan the main goal should be to lose fat and keep it off. Going on a diet will NOT work. A lifestyle change is needed. Sweets, sugars and junk should be limited or if possible cut out all together. Your calorie intake should be lowered, but you should eat more meals per day in small quantities. Six meals a day should be the...

The Top 8 Foods For Muscle Building

We know that in order to build muscles, we need to train regularly and eat the right foods. It is that simple. However, most of us are doing things wrongly, or not eating the proper foods for muscle growth. You must strike a balance between the both of them. This article will share with you the top 8 foods that you should eat when you are training your muscles. 1. Lean chicken meat (white meat). Go for the breast portion. Chicken meat is rich in protein, which is needed to repair your damaged muscles after a workout. Bake or stew the chicken to preserve its goodness. Throw in some veggies and you have an excellent dish. 2. Salmon fish (white meat). It is an excellent source of protein. Besides stimulating your metabolism, protein is the absolute best food for helping to fill you up, so you take in fewer calories and burn more. Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fats. Research has shown that omega-3 fats help to fight inflammation, regulates insulin levels and even lower the risk of heart d...

2 Types of Exercise Needed to Get 6 Pack Abs

Everyone wants to have that well sculpted 6 pack abs look. The truth is there are two things that need to be done to get those 6 pack abs. The first thing is to work on getting those abdominal muscles to a point where they are shaped and developed well. The second thing that needs to be done is to get your body to a point where they can actually be seen. Michelangelo would look at a block of stone and see wonderful things in it. He would then spend a great deal of time and energy uncovering that work of art that lived in that stone. Being able to see what he did underneath all that rock is a rare gift and something that few have ever been accomplish. It will be just as difficult for people to see that statue Michelangelo sculpted before the stone was chipped away as it is for people to see your six pack underneath all that fat. To get to the work of art you are trying to sculpt, you need to chip away at the blubber and lose fat. There are some things that you have to remember as you ...

How to Make My Legs Bigger - 6 Workouts to Help You Get Big Powerful Legs

I was working out at my favorite gym the other day and how refreshing it was to hear a newbie asking one of the gym owners "how to make my legs bigger?" These days, many weight training newbies are always asking how to get a pair of massive arms, bigger chest, wider back, and broader shoulders. Muscle groups in the lower body are often neglected because they are less noticeable and not "showy" enough compared to the muscles in the upper body. Alright those looking for an answer to the above question, kindly listen up: Constructing a powerful and chiseled set of legs is not overly complicated and doesn't require radical muscle growth supplements. It only requires the bare muscle-building fundamentals such as appropriate diet, sufficient rest, consistency and of course, the right leg killing workouts. As the title indicates, this article focuses on the exercises that are essential for developing a thicker and stronger pair of legs. Read on folks. Blasting your...